UE Systems Ultraprobe 10,000
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The Ultraprobe® 10,000 is the world's most advanced ultrasonic inspection system! This innovative instrument is jam-packed with so many beneficial features it will make your inspection efficient and easy!
The Ultraprobe 10,000 enables you to:
- Inspect
- Perform Condition Analysis
- Record and Analyze Sound Samples
- Store and Test Data
- Review Inspection Results
- Manage your Test Data...
All with just one Instrument!
The Ultraprobe® 10,000 features onboard Sound Recording with a push of a button. You'll record a Sound sample directly into the instrument and link it to one of 400 record files stored in the Ultraprobe!
The Ultraprobe® 10,000 simplifies sound recording with user-friendly Spin and Click technology. Test the way you want with:
- Specialized Application Screens
- Adjustable On/Off Features
- Connection to External Devices
- Flexible Reporting Options
Something for everybody.
What do you want to test?
Whatever it may be the Ultraprobe 10,000 has application-specific software for you. With the click of a button, you can select an application with specialised fields for accurate reporting and analysis.
Select any of 6 applications:
Generic, Leaks, Valves, Bearings, Electrical or Steam and the Ultraprobe 10,000 automatically sets relevant fields for your data logging convenience – and all stored data is easily downloaded to the Ultratrend DMS software.
Expand your inspections
In addition to on-board data logging, the Ultraprobe 10,000 accepts and stores data from external devices such as thermometers and tachometers.
Consider the possibilities with the Ultraprobe 10,000:
Once you've used this instrument, you'll want no other!
The Ultraprobe 10,000 assists your Reporting, Analyzing and Record keeping.
For example, you can:
- Trend a group of bearings over time
- Trend one bearing over time
- Analyze steam trap history and costs
- Analyze leak costs
- Note patterns in electrical failure
- Record valve sounds
- Analyze mechanical sounds...
Typical Ultraprobe Applications
Data Based Mechanical Inspection/Trending of:
- Bearing Condition
- Rubbing Conditions
- Cavitation
- Gears/Gear Boxes
- Pumps/Motors
- Lack of Lubrication
Data Based Leak Detection/Energy Audits
- Compressed Air
- Compressed Gases (O2, NO, etc.)
- Vacuum Leaks
- Seals and Gaskets
- Condenser Tubes
- Hatches
- Boilers
- Heat Exchangers
- Valves
- Steam Traps
Data Based Electrical Inspection
- Arcing
- Tracking
- Corona
- Switchgear
- Transformers
- Insulators
- Relays
- Bus Bars