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United Arab Emirates

Silverwing Middle East LLC is part of the Silverwing Group who are a UK based company specialising in the design and manufacture of Non Destructive Testing inspection equipment for The inspection of storage tanks, vessels and pipe work within the oil, gas and petro-chemical industries.
Silverwing Middle East, with its wide range of NDT products and technical expertise as well as its unique access to specialised service providers, is uniquely placed to meet all your inspection requirements.
Silverwing Middle East LLC
P.O. Box 75950,
Workshop block No. 3. Workshop 146 A, Street 2
Dubai Maritime City,
Mina Port Rashid Area,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact: Emad Javaid
Position: Sales and Marketing Manager - GCC Region
Tel: +971 4 360 6751
Cell: +971 50 4582409
Fax: +971 4 360 6124
Skype: ejavaid.silverwingme